
Here are 9 steps to code a custom WordPress landing page that’s optimized to your company’s needs. Step 1: Build a child theme. To create a custom WordPress landing page, you must first create a child theme. Since parent themes should never be customized, child themes are a great opportunity to create unique pages designed for your audience. Find out how to create a one-page website or landing page on your WordPress.com site. Our step-by-step video will walk you through it, and it's easier than y.

  1. Wordpress Landing Pages Plugin
  2. Wordpress Landing Page Free

Do you want to learn how to create a landing page in WordPress, but you’re not sure where to get started?

Landing pages can be one of a marketer’s most profitable tools. They concentrate your audience’s attention, give you a chance to showcase your product, and lead to higher conversions across your site.

But hiring a developer to create your landing pages can be expensive. And building one from scratch can be a long, tedious process–especially if you’re working with limited tech skills.


Wordpress Landing Pages Plugin

That’s why, today, we’re going to teach you how to create a landing page for WordPress in a way that’s fast, easy, and gives stunning results.

Then we’re going to teach you how to quickly optimize your landing page with social proof using TrustPulse.

Before we dive into the tutorial, though, let’s clarify what a landing page is and why they’re so valuable to your marketing strategy.

What Is a Landing Page?

Wordpress Landing Page

A landing page can technically be any page on your website that you intentionally drive traffic to. But, in the more common use of the term, a landing page is a dedicated page on your site that focuses on a single call to action (CTA).

You can build a landing page for:

  • Newsletter signups
  • Webinar registrations
  • Product launches
  • Product demos
  • Sales
  • And much more…

The advantage is that you’re getting your traffic to focus on one thing (your CTA), which limits distractions. This gives you the chance to showcase your offer and increase conversions.

But you may be wondering, “Is creating a landing page really worth the trouble?”

Wordpress Landing Page

That’s because some online business owners don’t have the budget to hire a developer to build their pages. And they don’t have the time or technical skills to do it themselves.

At least, they don’t think they have the time or technical skills. Because today we’re going to teach you how to create a landing page for WordPress in a matter of minutes.

Plus, with this method, you won’t need any kind of technical knowledge or coding experience.

Then we’re going to teach you how to optimize that site with social proof using TrustPulse:

TrustPulse is the absolute best social proof notification plugin for WordPress. TrustPulse lets you create social proof notifications to increase your site’s credibility.

As a result, you’ll get more positive engagement with your brand online and drive more conversions and sales.

Want to see how it works? Sign up for your risk-free TrustPulse account today!

Now let’s dive into the tutorial.

Create a Landing Page in WordPress

For today’s tutorial, we’ll be using SeedProd to build our landing page:

SeedProd is the world’s #1 landing page builder plugin for WordPress. As you’ll see, it allows you to create stunning landing pages in a matter of minutes, even if you have no technical skills or coding knowledge.

With SeedProd’s helpful templates, anyone can build landing pages that include powerful features like:

  • Email signup forms
  • Images
  • Video
  • Compelling copy
  • And much more…

And with SeedProd’s intuitive design editor, all of these functions can be added with a simple drag and a drop. Sound too good to be true? Why not see it in action yourself?

Step 1: Install and Activate the SeedProd Plugin

Wordpress landing page plugin

The first thing you’ll need to do is signup for your risk-free SeedProd account. Once you’ve signed up, navigate to the Downloads tab in your user dashboard and click Download Landing Page Pro:

When the file has been downloaded, head over to your WordPress dashboard. From the left-hand side menu, click Plugins » Add New.

Then click Upload Plugins:

Next, you need to add the SeedProd plugin file you just downloaded. You can either click Choose File or drag and drop the file onto the page.

After that, click Install Now:

When you see that the plugin has been successfully installed, click Activate Plugin:

From there, you’ll need to enter your license key to get started. In the left-hand side menu, click SeedProd » Settings. You’ll see a field box where you can enter your license key and click Verify Key:

If the license key is verified, you’ll see a green notification to let you know that you have a valid license:

And now you’re ready to build your landing page.

Step 2: Select Your Landing Page Template

From your WordPress dashboard’s left-hand menu, select SeedProd » Pages. Scroll down and locate the section called Landing Pages. Then click Create New Landing Page:

From here, you can choose from any of SeedProd’s pre-built templates:

These templates will save you hours of time and headaches in the landing page design process.

Plus, you can filter these templates based on the objective of your landing page:

You can build the most major types of landing pages, such as:

  • Coming soon
  • Maintenance mode
  • Sales
  • Squeeze page
  • And more…

Today, we’ll select Ebook Squeeze Page from the squeeze page filter:

A new window will appear, asking you to give your page a name. It will also generate a new URL. When you’ve named your page, click Save and Start Editing the Page:

And now, your new page will show up directly in your WordPress dashboard.

Step 3: Edit Your Landing Page in WordPress

When your new page opens up in your SeedProd editor, you’ll notice the editing tools on the left-hand side:

These let you add powerful features to your landing page, like:

  • Headlines
  • Text
  • List
  • Button
  • Images
  • Video

And much more. Whenever you want to add any of these features to your page, all you need to do is drag and drop them into place:

This allows you to quickly and easily create professional landing pages even if you have zero tech skills.

If you want to change any element on the page, all you need to do is click on it. Then the editing tools will appear on the left-hand side:

With SeedProd’s landing page builder, you can literally change every aspect of your page this easily. You can modify your page’s:

  • Text
  • Background color
  • Images
  • Videos

Like we said earlier, literally anyone can create a stunning and highly-effective landing page with SeedProd. There’s zero coding or technical knowledge necessary, and the learning curve is super low.

If you can point, click, and type, you can build a landing page with SeedProd.

But now, let’s look at another important factor of your landing page: integrating your favorite marketing tools like email service providers.

Step 4: Integrate With Other Marketing Tools

Wordpress Landing Page Free

In many cases, your landing page will need to connect with other marketing tools. The most common use case is connecting to your landing page to your email service provider (ESP).

That’s what we’ll be doing today.

To connect your new WordPress landing page to other marketing tools, click Connect at the top of your SeedProd editor:

SeedProd integrates with most major ESPs on the market. This allows you to sync your landing page seamlessly with your ESP and kick your email marketing campaign into overdrive.

Once your user signs up on your landing page, you can send automated email campaigns to drive more revenue.

And when you’ve configured these messages with your ESP, everything can be turned on autopilot.

That means you can continue to optimize your landing page until you’re getting the highest conversion rates possible.


But you can also go beyond integrating your email service provider. With SeedProd, you can also integrate:

  • Zapier
  • Google Analytics

With these integrations, you can go far and beyond capturing emails. The Zapier integration alone lets you connect with thousands of other apps to help you take orders, collect payments, and much more.

And with Google Analytics, you’ll be able to track the success of your new landing page. If you’re serious about getting higher conversions, then you’ll likely want to check out MonsterInsights:

MonsterInsights is hands down the best Google Analytics plugin on the market. With MonsterInsights, you can track your pages’ success, see where your traffic is coming from, gather valuable insight into your audience’s demographics, and much more.

Plus, everything can be seen in an easily-digestible format directly in your WordPress dashboard.

The point is that you can integrate SeedProd into your current marketing flow to get as many conversions as possible.

All that’s left once you’ve finished designing your page is to Save and Publish:

And that’s it! You’ve now built a landing page for your WordPress site in a matter of minutes. Now, let’s quickly look at how you can get even MORE conversions by adding social proof to that page.

Optimizing Your Landing Page With Social Proof

Creating your landing page for WordPress is a great first step toward reaching your marketing goals. But you should consider going a step further by adding social proof.

Social proof is one of the strongest tools in any marketer’s toolbelt. And one of the best forms of this is using social proof notifications, like this one:

You can put these small notifications over your landing page to boost conversions. Social proof notifications work for a few reasons.

1) Leverage FOMO

Social proof notifications use a psychological hack called FOMO (“fear of missing out”). This works because most online consumers don’t want to miss out on the benefits they see other people enjoy.

So when someone sees your landing page and sees that other consumers have taken you up on your offer, they’ll be more motivated to do the same.

In fact, at TrustPulse, we’ve seen sales instantly rise by 15% just by adding these small social proof messages.

2) Build Trust

The other benefit of social proof notifications is that they can build trust in your website. That’s because they show how popular your brand is and how other users are actively engaging with you online.

As a result of gaining your users’ trust, you’ll get more sales and conversions.

3) Boost Landing Page Views

Another way you can use social proof notifications is to redirect traffic to your landing page. Since you can add links to these small notifications, your user can click them and be taken to the page you want them to see.

That means you can rely on the traffic you already have to boost how many people go to your landing page.

This is a great way to catch low hanging fruit since people on your site are likely very warm leads.

Social proof notifications are an excellent way to boost pageviews for your new WordPress landing page. And, again, this all leads to more sales and conversion for you!

But how do you add social proof notifications to your landing page if you don’t know how to code? That’s easy: you can use TrustPulse:

TrustPulse is the world’s best social proof software. With TrustPulse, you can add many types of social proof notifications to your website in just a few minutes.

Regardless of your technical background, TrustPulse makes it easy to modify your social proof notifications. You can change the:

  • Design
  • Text
  • Font family, color, and more
  • Background colors
  • Links
  • Campaign type
  • And much more…

Plus, TrustPulse can be quickly embedded on any site, including WordPress. In fact, TrustPulse comes as a social proof plugin that can be installed and activated like any other plugin you’ve used (like SeedProd, for example).

Want to try it for yourself? Sign up for your risk-free TrustPulse account today!

And that’s it! We hope you enjoyed this tutorial. If you did, you might want to check out the following resources:

These posts have everything you need to optimize your website, get more conversions, and drive more sales with social proof.

Ready to get started? Sign up for TrustPulse today!