
All of HostPapa hosting plans include a free CDN that stores cached copies of your website all around the world and serves it to the visitors from the closest locations. To top it all off, you can also choose the location of your hosting server, giving your website a lightning-fast speed boost. All of DreamHost’s WordPress hosting plans include robust features and add-ons designed to make sure it’s easy for you to find success at each step of your online journey. Not only that, we work closely with WordPress.org so you’ll always have the newest version of WordPress available in your DreamHost control panel.

There are hundreds of thousands of web hosts out there, the vast majority of which meet the WordPress minimum requirements, and choosing one from the crowd can be a chore. Just like flowers need the right environment to grow, WordPress works best when it’s in a rich hosting environment.

We’ve dealt with more hosts than you can imagine; in our opinion, the hosts below represent some of the best and brightest of the hosting world. If you do decide to go with one of the hosts below and click through from this page, some will donate a portion of your fee back—so you can have a great host and support WordPress.org at the same time. If you’d like to try WordPress for free, you can get started with a free website or blog at WordPress.com.


Powering over 2 million websites, Bluehost offers the ultimate WordPress platform. Tuned for WordPress, we offer WordPress-centric dashboards and tools along with 1-click installation, a FREE domain name, email, FTP, and more. Easily scalable and backed by legendary 24/7 support by in-house WordPress experts.


DreamHost has been committed to WordPress and its community for over 10 years. Our hosting platforms are optimized for WordPress and our team actively contributes to the WordPress community. At DreamHost, you take total control of your server or let our team of experts handle everything for you. DreamHost offers choice, performance and value for new users and experts alike.


SiteGround has tools that make managing WordPress sites easy: one-click install, managed updates, WP-Cli, WordPress staging and git integration. We have a very fast support team with advanced WordPress expertise available 24/7. We provide latest speed technologies that make WordPress load faster: NGINX-based caching, SSD-drives, PHP 7, CDN, HTTP/2. We proactively protect the WordPress sites from hacks.

To create a website you have to keep in mind probably the most important thing, website hosting. Either you can choose shared web hosting or WordPress hosting. Of course, there are multiple different types of hostings to choose from.

But these two above should be the main ones. For instance, if you pick a way to go with WordPress you’ll still need hosting to be available online.

Differences between Shared web hosting and WordPress hosting

Differentiating these two types, WordPress hosting and shared web hosting we can mention that shared hosting is considerably low-cost compared with WordPress hosting.

Shared hosting plans let you share space with other sites on a specific server. And WordPress hosting is a platform with its own servers that are optimized.

Further, we will share additional options for your website hosting.

Disclosing relevant information about shared hosting

Simply put this type of service enables you to rent space as you rent an apartment. You are living there as long as you pay for it (of course if the landlord is rich, perhaps you can live for a month for free).

Shared hosting puts your website in a server with other websites, that how your website comes available online, and people can visit it after it is indexed by a search engine, but more about that elsewhere.

There are many possible plans to choose from and each one of them has its own terms and pricing. Of course, if it costs more then there are more benefits.

Other differences

Term dedicated hosting is also a thing in shared web hosting. When talking about shared hosting meaning, as mentioned before – a single server is divided into a lot of pieces and provides spacing for multiple websites.

And dedicated hosting is the opposite, where a single website has all the space in the physical server for himself.

When we talk about shared hosting it is of course cheaper than dedicated hosting because you share a server. It is mostly used by smaller businesses and e-commerce sites.

When a low cost is certainly a primary benefit there are downsides to this type of hosting. Due to the fact that you need to share a server with others, the performance of your website can decrease.

The speed of a website could also be decreased if other websites which are also linked to the same server have a lot of traffic.

Additionally, security measurements also could be affected.

Introducing WordPress and its features

WordPress is considered to be the most popular and probably the biggest website host and builder in the market. It is a service that allows you to pretty much start a website and maintain a quality website along the way.

WordPress is relatively similar to the standard shared hosting that we discussed previously.

But WordPress does have much more to offer than only shared web hosting. They provide shared hosting, dedicated hosting, managed hosting, and much more.


Its price varies from 4$ to hundreds of dollars. It is very versatile, that is why the price range is so wide. You can have shared hosting with a purchased domain and a few plugins. And there you have it, a decent website for a 4$ monthly fee.

But by any means WordPress is not the same as shared hosting plans, as mentioned above, WordPress has various options to choose from including shared hosting.

What is important is that WordPress hosting provides significantly better security and performance indicators.

Difference between Shared web hosting plans and WordPress hosting plans

WordPress may offer you access to specific features such as updates, plugins, pre-installed features and so much more. Also including live chat support and other ways of communications.

Either you can choose managed or unmanaged WordPress plans. Unmanaged plans do not optimize your site and leave server management up to you. When managed plans offer a lot of help and optimization for you. But keep in mind that it costs a bit more.

What to choose?

We can not say that one or another is better, traditional shared web hosting and WordPress have their own advantages and disadvantages which still do not make an easy pick. But when comparing both of them one by one it should be a bit simpler.

It is important to choose the right one especially when you are only starting off, it should be less costly and simple to use, WordPress is indeed easy to use but it could be a bit overwhelming.

When taking a look into certain shared hosting service providers you may encounter much simpler interfaces in the working environment, thus this could let you make your mind.

What is more

Godaddy Wordpress Hosting Plans

Further, if you have a specific budget for a website, consider having a look to a managed hosting plan. As mentioned before, they are more pricey than shared and unmanaged ones, but the work will be more effective. The expert will take care of your website.

You can even ask an expert to create your website design or anything else. When with shared hosting service providers you can expert only a platform with a set of tools to work with.

Although there are no correct answers, both options are valuable in their own way and the platform has its own advantages. We would recommend assessing each option separately, decide what is needed for your business and how much you are willing to spend.

PlansWordpress hosting plans


This part of your journey on the internet is crucial, the service provider you’ll pick should be the one that you love working with. After you consider something else after this step it is going to be a headache to relocate your website under others’ provided shell.


Shared web hosting is much more popular than dedicated or managed hostings but it does not mean that they are not the ones you need to pick for your website.

Just keep in mind that shared hostings are cheaper and do not provide performance and security-increasing services.

And dedicated, WordPress managed to host plans do come with increased security measurements and better performance indicators but they are certainly more expensive.

Wordpress Hosting Plans & Pricing


Wordpress Hosting India

If you would like to learn more or get introduced to one of the shared web hosting providers feel free to check out Hostens.com