

This release is sync-compatible with all previous versions of OmniFocus, but you may see a prompt to migrate your database to the new file format based on which other versions of OmniFocus you use. Check out the rest of the release notes for more information:

  • File Format — OmniFocus has a new file format which will enable new features in OmniFocus 2.x and beyond. Starting in OmniFocus 2.15 for iOS and OmniFocus 2.6 for Mac, OmniFocus will observe which other copies of the app you are using to sync your database. When it detects that all copies are up to date, you’ll be prompted to migrate to the new format. If you have some older versions of OmniFocus that need to be updated or disconnected from sync before you can migrate, OmniFocus will let you know about that as well. If you’d like to see which devices OmniFocus thinks are ready and which need to be updated or disconnected, choose Migrate Database from OmniFocus Settings. If this goes straight to the Migration prompt, that means you’re good to go!
  • Encryption — OmniFocus has always encrypted the communications between itself and the server you sync to, but an attacker who gained access to your files on the server could still read your data. In the new file format, all your information is encrypted at rest on the server as well. For more information on our implementation and some of its implications, see this thread in our forums.
  • Backups — Added a Backups area to OmniFocus Settings. OmniFocus now keeps a local backup of your database (taken Daily), in case something bad happens and you need to revert. Normally we’ll keep one backup, but we also keep the last backup we take before you migrate to the new database format (if you don’t want to keep it around any more, just swipe to delete it).
  • omnifocus:// URLs — The /add URL action now supports an autosave=true parameter which saves the added task without prompting.
  • iOS Backup Restore — OmniFocus can now tell if you just restored your device from an iTunes or iCloud backup, and behaves more sensibly on first sync in those situations by presenting a conflict dialog instead of inserting what may be very old items back into your database.
  • Write-in-progress Files — OmniFocus now automatically removes server files created during interrupted syncs.
  • First Run — Fixed a hang that happened when you launched OmniFocus for the first time with a network connection but no internet access.
  • Settings — Re-organized settings to include a Database section.
  • Keyboard Shortcuts — Switched to shift-command-H for Return to Home, to avoid conflicting with the updated iOS shortcut.
  • Layout — Fixed several layout problems that resulted in clipped and overlapping text.
  • Incompatible Databases — Fixed a false-positive database incompatibility prompt.
  • News — Fixed a problem where the announcement dot would not clear in some situations.
  • Sync Conflicts — Fixed a case where we didn’t correctly work around a conflict caused by a stale client.
  • Cold Launch — Fixed a problem with the secret bar when launching in portrait.
  • Certificates — You can now choose to sync with a server even if OmniFocus cannot verify that your connection to that server is secure.
  • Localizations — Updated our localizations. Please let us know if there are outstanding issues!

Omnifocus Discourse Theory

OmniFocus gives you a great deal of flexibility to customize how you keep organized, including viewing your projects and actions in different ways called Perspectives. In OmniFocus 3, the Forecast perspective gains a number of new features that has transformed. Discuss the new version of OmniFocus on our Discourse forum (you'll need to sign up for an account there).-OmniFocus 1 for Mac. 2014-05-20 08:33 PM OmniFocus for iPhone. 2014-05-19 08:32 AM OmniFocus for iPad. Topics related to the iPad version of OmniFocus go here. OmniFocus for the Web is a companion to OmniFocus 3 for Mac and OmniFocus 3 for iOS, available as part of an OmniFocus subscription.Using your web browser, you can view your projects, add actions, mark actions as complete, and more. It’s currently designed for. OmniFocus for Mac This is the place to discuss OmniFocus for Mac with other users. OmniFocus for iPhone This is the category for asking questions about how to use OmniFocus 2. OmniFocus for iOS The category to discuss OmniFocus for iOS (formerly known as “OmniFocus for iPad’) OmniFocus Styles For discussing customizing OmniFocus 2 for Mac. OmniFocus 1 for Mac The category for the previous. OmniFocus, GTD, and You Implementing the Getting Things Done® Methodology with OmniFocus “OmniFocus is a stellar tool for keeping track of outcomes and actions in the Mac environment. It supports simple but important practices for keeping your head clear, staying focused, and managing your commitments.” - David Allen.