
Mailbox Manager First to check and see if you have any mail, you can click on the My BBO button. You will find that at the top of the screen in the horizontal row of buttons. After you click on My BBO you will find a 'Mailbox' button the bottom of the popup menu. Click on that to read and answer your BBO email. Login to other services: SecuriSync AnyMeeting Office 365 AppID Powered by Intermedia AppID ®.


The Mailbox type exposes the following members.


AntispamBypassEnabledGets or sets a value that indicates whether anti-spam processing should be used on the mailbox.
ArchiveGuidGets the unique archive identifier for the mailbox.
ArchiveNameGets or sets the name of the archive mailbox.
ArchiveQuotaGets or sets the maximum size of the archive mailbox.
ArchiveWarningQuotaGets or sets the mailbox size at which a warning message is sent.
CalendarRepairDisabledGets or sets a value that indicates whether calendar items in this mailbox will be repaired by the Calendar Repair Assistant.
CalendarVersionStoreDisabledGets or sets a value that indicates whether changes to calendar items are logged.
CloneableEnabledStateProperties(Overrides ADPresentationObject.CloneableEnabledStateProperties.)
CloneableOnceProperties(Overrides ADPresentationObject.CloneableOnceProperties.)
CloneablePropertiesGets the properties required to create a copy of this mailbox instance. (Overrides ADPresentationObject.CloneableProperties.)
DatabaseGets the Active Directory identifier of the database that contains this mailbox.
DeliverToMailboxAndForwardGets or sets a value that indicates whether messages sent to this mailbox are forwarded to another mailbox.
DowngradeHighPriorityMessagesEnabledGets or sets a value that indicates whether high-priority messages sent to an X.400 mail system are changed to normal priority.
EndDateForRetentionHoldGets or sets the date and time that a retention hold on messages in this mailbox expires.
ExchangeGuidGets the unique identifier of the Exchange Server installation.
ExchangeSecurityDescriptorGets the security descriptor that applies to this mailbox.
ExchangeUserAccountControlA mask used to retrieve the user account control flags associated with this mailbox.
ExternalOofOptionsGets or sets the options for sending Out of Office (OOF) messages to external senders.
ForwardingAddressGets or sets the forwarding address for a mailbox.
ImmutableIdGets or sets an identifier for the mailbox that will never change.
IsLinkedGets a value that indicates whether a mailbox is linked.
IsMachineToPersonTextMessagingEnabledGets a value that indicates whether the server can send text messages to a user.
IsMailboxEnabledGets a value that indicates whether the mailbox is enabled to process messages.
IsPersonToPersonTextMessagingEnabledGets a value that indicates whether another mailbox user can send a text message to the owner of this mailbox.
IsResourceGets a value that indicates whether this mailbox represents a resource, such as a conference room.
IsSharedGets a value that indicates whether this mailbox is shared by more than one user.
IssueWarningQuotaGets or sets the mailbox size at which a warning message is sent to the user.
LanguagesGets or sets the preferred languages for this mailbox.
LinkedMasterAccountGets the master account for the linked mailbox.
LitigationHoldEnabledGets or sets a value that indicates whether the mailbox is under a litigation hold.
MailboxMoveBatchNameGets the name of the move batch that contains this mailbox.
MailboxMoveFlagsGets flags for a mailbox move.
MailboxMoveRemoteHostNameGets the name of the remote host that is participating in the move.
MailboxMoveSourceMDBGets the Active Directory identifier of the source database.
MailboxMoveStatusGets a value that indicates the status of a mailbox move.
MailboxMoveTargetMDBGets the Active Directory identifier of the database that the mailbox is being copied to.
MailboxPlanGets the mailbox plan for a mailbox.
ManagedFolderMailboxPolicyGets or sets the Messaging Records Management (MRM) policy for the mailbox.
MaxBlockedSendersGets or sets the maximum number of senders that can be included in a blocked senders list.
MaxSafeSendersGets or sets the maximum number of senders that can be included in a safe senders list.
MessageTrackingReadStatusEnabledGets or sets a value that indicates whether detailed message tracking is enabled for the mailbox.
OfficeGets or sets the Office attribute for the mailbox.
OfflineAddressBookGets or sets the offline address book associated with the mailbox.
ProhibitSendQuotaGets or sets the mailbox size at which the user is prohibited from sending email messages.
ProhibitSendReceiveQuotaGets or sets the mailbox size at which the user is prohibited from sending or receiving email messages.
ProtocolSettingsGets the protocols used by the mailbox.
QueryBaseDNRestrictionEnabledThis API supports the Exchange infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
RecipientLimitsGets or sets the maximum number of recipients per message that this mailbox can send to.
RecoverableItemsQuotaGets or sets the size limit for the Recovery Items folder.
RecoverableItemsWarningQuotaGets or sets the size at which a warning is sent that the Recovery Items folder is reaching its limit.
RemoteAccountPolicyThis API supports the Exchange infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
ResourceCapacityGets or sets the capacity of a resource mailbox.
ResourceCustomGets or sets additional information about a resource.
ResourceTypeGets the type of a resource.
RetainDeletedItemsForGets or sets the length of time to keep deleted items.
RetainDeletedItemsUntilBackupGets or sets a value that indicates whether deleted items should be kept until the database is backed up.
RetentionCommentGets or sets the comment displayed regarding the user’s retention hold status.
RetentionHoldEnabledGets or sets a value that indicates whether the contents of the mailbox are subject to retention.
RetentionPolicyGets or sets the retention policy that is applied to the mailbox.
RetentionUrlGets or sets a URL for a Web page with details about the organization’s message retention policies.
RoleAssignmentPolicyGets the management role assigned to the mailbox when it was created or enabled.
RulesQuotaGets or sets the size limit for rules.
SamAccountNameGets or sets the user name for earlier operating systems.
SCLDeleteEnabledGets or sets a value that indicates whether messages that meet the spam confidence level (SCL) are deleted.
SCLDeleteThresholdGets or sets the spam confidence level (SCL) at which messages are considered spam and should be deleted.
SCLJunkEnabledGets or sets a value that indicates whether messages that meet the spam confidence level (SCL) are moved to the Junk Email folder.
SCLJunkThresholdGets or sets the spam confidence level (SCL) at which messages are considered spam and should be moved to the Junk Email folder.
SCLQuarantineEnabledGets or sets a value that indicates whether messages that meet the spam confidence level (SCL) are quarantined.
SCLQuarantineThresholdGets or sets the spam confidence level (SCL) at which messages are considered spam and should be moved to the quarantine folder.
SCLRejectEnabledGets or sets a value that indicates whether messages that meet the spam confidence level (SCL) are rejected.
SCLRejectThresholdGets or sets the spam confidence level (SCL) at which messages are considered spam and should be rejected.
ServerLegacyDNGets the legacy domain name for the server.
ServerNameGets the name of the server.
SharingPolicyGets the sharing policy associated with the mailbox.
SingleItemRecoveryEnabledGets or sets a value that indicates whether the Recovery Items folder can be purged.
StartDateForRetentionHoldGets or sets the date and time that a retention hold on messages in this mailbox begins.
ThrottlingPolicyGets the identifier for the throttling policy applied to the mailbox.
UMEnabledGets a value that indicates whether Unified Messaging (UM) is enabled for this mailbox.
UseDatabaseQuotaDefaultsGets or sets a value that indicates whether this mailbox uses the database defaults for quota properties.
UseDatabaseRetentionDefaultsGets or sets a value that indicates whether this mailbox uses the mailbox retention policy specified for the mailbox database that contains the mailbox.
UserCertificateGets or sets the digital certificate used to sign the user’s email messages.
UserPrincipalNameGets or sets the principal name for the mailbox user.
UserSMimeCertificateGets or sets the SMIME certificate used to sign the user’s email messages.
WindowsLiveIDGets or sets the Windows Live ID associated with the mailbox.


See also



Deploying a cloud-based work environment does not end with choosing a suitable product suite, but with finding an effective means to manage it. In your effort to manage your Microsoft 365 setup, native Microsoft 365 features might not meet your needs. M365 Manager Plus comes with sophisticated features to make Microsoft 365 management effortless. It provides feature-based management so you can govern Microsoft 365 components separately.

Exchange Online Management


Use M365 Manager Plus' refined features to manage Exchange Online with ease. Handle mailboxes in bulk to eliminate redundant actions and save time. M365 Manager Plus also provides features for contacts and public folder management.

  • Mailbox management: Handle mailbox litigation hold settings, permission settings, address list changes, mailbox feature settings, and more.
  • Shared mailbox management: Create, enable, or disable shared mailboxes in bulk. Configure auto reply, change permissions, set litigation holds, modify audit settings, and perform other shared mailbox management tasks in bulk.
  • Public folder management: Enable or disable email for public folders. Delete unwanted public folders in bulk instead of removing them individually.
  • Mobile device management: With M365 Manager Plus, administrators can remove mobile devices associated with mailboxes and clear mailbox data from devices remotely.

Azure Active Directory Management

Managing Azure Active Directory with its repository of users is a daunting task which must be done cautiously. Use M365 Manager Plus to manage Azure Active Directory easily.

  • User management: Block, unblock, delete, and restore users in bulk. Edit users' contact and address attributes and change their managers and domains from one place.
  • Group management: Configure email settings for all your Active Directory groups. Choose which types of senders (internal, external, or both) groups can receive emails from.
  • Contacts management: Alter contact attribute values in bulk. Traditionally in native Microsoft 365, you are not allowed to set multiple values while changing contact attribute values in bulk. But M365 Manager Plus lets you add multiple values while bulk editing contacts.
  • License management: License management is made easy with our simple user interface. You can assign, remove, or modify licenses in bulk with a single click.

Microsoft Teams management

Microsoft Teams helps employees collaborate in small or organization-wide groups to conduct meetings, share files, or even work together in other apps and services to enhance productivity. Managing Microsoft Teams can get strenuous as it requires actions like creation, modification, and deletion of teams and channels for a large number of employees. ManageEngine M365 Manager Plus lightens the load for IT admins by helping them carry out these management tasks in a few clicks.

  • Manage teams: Create, update, and delete teams in bulk, or simply create new teams from existing groups. Admins can also apply granular rules for the teams created, such as enabling a user to delete or edit team messages and channels, enabling team or channel mentions, enabling the creation of private channels, and more.
  • Manage channels: Create, update, and delete channels in bulk, eliminating the need to write complex PowerShell scripts.

Start managing Microsoft 365 users and mailboxes in bulk!

At&t Mailbox Manager

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