Citrix receiver internet explorer 11

When logging onto a Web Interface site, you are redirected to a Web page titled Download Plugin and the following Internet Explorer pop up message is displayed: 'The Previous webpage might require the following add-on: ‘Citrix Helper Control’ from ‘Citrix Systems, INC’.' Citrix Workspace app replaces and extends the full capabilities of Citrix Receiver. Citrix recommends using the latest version of Citrix Workspace app to access workspaces. You can also access workspaces using Internet Explorer 11, or the latest version of Edge, Chrome, Firefox, or Safari. Hi, I have Windows 10 pro 64 bit O/S. I installed Citrix Receiver. After successful authentication using IE 11.0, when I click on a citrix application, IE 11.0 is not launching the application and there is a open option displayed for the.ica file extension at the bottom of the browser.

downloadWhy can't I download this file?
  • Receiver for Windows

Symptoms or Error

Internet Explorer 9 prompts to Enable/Disable the browser add-on “CtxIEInterceptorBHO Class” after installing Receiver 3.2:


It is recommended to disable the add-on because it does not affect any functionality that is currently in use.

To prevent the prompt, complete one of the following methods:
  • Using registry keys

  • Enable/Disable from Browser Soccer heads.

  • Using Group Policy

Using Registry Keys

Caution! Refer to the Disclaimer at the end of this article before using Registry Editor.

Delete the following key on your computer to prevent the add-on from being loaded:

  • For 32-bit: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerBrowser Helper Objects{2C4631FF-5CC8-4EBC-A0DF-34C92291759E}
  • For 64-bit: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWow6432NodeMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerBrowser Helper Objects{2C4631FF-5CC8-4EBC-A0DF-34C92291759E}

Enable/Disable from Browser

When prompted in IE9, choose to Disable the add-on and select “Do not show me this message again” to prevent the browser from displaying it again.

Using Group Policy

Within the GPO, browse to the following location and configure the policy to disable the add-on:

User ConfigurationWindows ComponentsInternet ExplorerSecurity FeaturesAdd-on Management

Problem Cause

This is a new add-on from Citrix for an upcoming feature, which causes the security policy of IE9 to display the preceding message.


Citrix Receiver Internet Explorer

Caution! Using Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious problems that might require you to reinstall your operating system. Citrix cannot guarantee that problems resulting from the incorrect use of Registry Editor can be solved. Use Registry Editor at your own risk. Be sure to back up the registry before you edit it.