
What are the quantum numbers of the five electrons of Boron?

  1. Valence Of Boron
  2. List Of Valence Electrons For Each Element

1 Answer

The bonding is relatively simple to model with a Lewis structure if we allow each valence level electron in the boron atom to be shared in a covalent bond with each fluorine atom. In this compound, the boron atom only has six valence shell electrons, but the octet rule is satisfied by the fluorine atoms.

Boron is a quirky little element with four bonding orbitals but only three valence electrons. The odd number of electrons makes boron electron-poor yet rich with opportunities for chemical reactivity and influencing materials properties. Doping means the introduction of impurities into a semiconductor crystal to the defined modification of conductivity. Two of the most important materials silicon can be doped with, are boron (3 valence electrons = 3-valent) and phosphorus (5 valence electrons = 5-valent).


Boron, #'B'#, is located in period 2, group 13 of the periodic table, and has an atomic number equal to #5#.

This means that a neutral boron atom will have a total of #5# electrons surrounding its nucleus.

Now, your tool of choice here will be boron's electron configuration, which looks like this

#'B: ' 1s^2 2s^2 2p^1#


Since you have five electrons, you will need five sets of quantum numbers.

So, to make things interesting, let's start removing electrons one by one from the boron atom and describing them as we go.

Boron Valence Electrons

Sniper assassin iv&& try the games. The first electron will come from the orbital that's highest in energy. In this case, this electron will come from a 2p-orbital.

Now, the energy level is given by the principal quantum number, #n#, which in this case is equal to #2#. The subshell in which the electron can be found is given by the angular momentum quantum number, #l#.

Notice that #l# can take values from #0# to #n-1#. For an electron located on the second energy level, there are only two possible subshells in which to reside

  • #l=0 ->#the 2s-subshell
  • #l=1 ->#the 2p-subshell

The actual orbital in which the electron can be found is given by the magnetic quantum number, #m_l#.

For the p-subshell, you have a total number of three possible orbitals

  • #m_l = -1 -># the #p_x# orbital
  • #m_l = 0 -># the #p_y# orbital
  • #m_l = +1 -># the #p_z# orbital

Valence Of Boron

What is boron valence electrons

Finally, the spin of the electron, which is given by the spin quantum number, can either by spin-up, #m_s = +1/2#, or spin-down, #m_s = -1/2#.

So, for the first electron, a valid set of quantum numbers will be

#n = 2, l=1, m_l = -1, m_s = +1/2#

Now for the second and third electrons, which will come from a 2s-orbital. This time, you will have

#n=2, l=0, m_l = 0, m_s = -1/2#


#n=2, l=0, m_l=0, m_s = +1/2#

List Of Valence Electrons For Each Element

Now you're down to the last two electrons, which reside on the first energy level, in the 1s-orbital

#n=1, l=0, m_l = 0, m_s = -1/2# Australiaeffective curriculum ideas.


#n=1, l=0, m_l = 0, m_s = +1/2#

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