
  1. Pomodoro Web App
  2. Pomodoneapp Extension

PomoDone App Productivity Countdown timer to apply the timeboxing methodology for your Todoist™, Trello™, Wunderlist™, Asana™, Evernote™, Slack, Microsoft™ To-Do and Microsoft™ Outlook Tasks, Google Calendar etc.

PomoDoneApp enhances your task management system with timeboxing methodology (including Pomodoro technique™ and many others) to boost your efficiency. Sync your tasks, focus on them and get the work done

Key features:
  • Sync your tasks from your Task Management systems or create tasks from your browser (Chrome extension)
  • Customize to maximize productivity
  • Timer, short and long break duration
  • Number of timers between long breaks
  • Auto-start timer and break
  • Start, pause, or stop the timer
  • Switch between tasks within one timer
  • Complete the task - with sync back to your task management system!
  • Hotkeys for all important actions
  • Optional sound alerts for ticking and alarm when timer and/or break is over (use your own custom audio files) - finally!
  • Today’s in-app productivity log and daily goal
  • Task search
  • Tasks Filtering by an assignee
  • Favorite your task from different sources
  • Interruption Notes
  • Create tasks and projects in the App Integration with tasks and notes management systems:
  • Trello
  • Todoist
  • Nozbe
  • Google Tasks
  • Wunderlist
  • Evernote
  • 印象笔记 (YinXiang)
  • Google Calendar & iCal
  • Microsoft ToDo
  • Zapier
  • Toodledo Outbound integrations:
  • Slack
  • iCal
  • Zapier
  • Microsoft Teams Additional integrations for Premium Users (2 months trial included):
  • JIRA
  • Basecamp
  • Asana
  • Microsoft Outlook Tasks
  • Slack Pro
  • PivotalTracker

Pomodoro Web App

  1. PomoDoneApp just integrates them into my tasks. Lastly, the cross-platform versions of this software can't be understated. This is the only one I've found that works (and works well) on all of.
  2. Pomodone is the easiest way to track your workflow using the Pomodoro technique, on top of your current task management service. It helps you focus on the most important tasks and improves mental agility, so you DO more. # Easy setup Don't create any tasks!

Pomodoneapp Extension

Read the latest user opinions and reviews for PomoDoneApp - Time tracking & workflow management tool, free research services Review, compare PomoDoneApp - Time tracking & workflow management tool. Get demos, trials and quotes. Create PomoDoneApp account, connect your existing tool, sync your tasks, focus and get the work done. PomoDoneApp enhances your task management system with timeboxing methodology (including. Pomodone is the easiest way to track your workflow using the Pomodoro technique, on top of your current task management service. It helps you focus on the most important tasks and improves mental agility, so you DO more. # Easy setup Don't create any tasks!